To provide financial solutions for marginalized communities, refugees and M/SME exposed to poverty and other risks.

Project Name - Jiinue Jijenge
Key Activities
- Providing affordable credit to members (Individuals, Groups (CBO, VSLA), M/SME)
- Flexible savings plans to encourage members to save regularly.
- Financial education to empower members with business management knowledge and skills.
- Community development initiatives and corporate social responsibility activities.
- 1063 Loans Disbursed in 2024 Valued at USD 340,000. Average Net benefit $319.
- 2540 Members onboarded in 2024. 31% women and 49.5% youth with savings of USD 145,000.
- Direct employment of 26 staff from the host and refugee community. 40% Female 88% youth. Indirect employment for 220 Males and 152 Females.
- PWD inclusion in membership and staff.
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